From the recording Scorsero Quattro Lustri

Ulisse sings in the burning ruins of Troy


Four Decades Have Passed
Setting of text from Giacomo Badoaro’s 'Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in Patria'

all’invecchiato male
non promettete più pace o salute.
Scorsero quattro lustri
dal memorabil giorno
in cui con sue rapine
il superbo Troiano
chiamò l’alta sua Patria alle ruine.
A ragion arse Troia,
poiché l’Amore impuro,
ch’è un delitto di foco,
si purga con le fiamme.
A ragion arse Troia,
poiché l’Amore impuro,
ch’è un delitto di foco!

(Hope - when you have) aged badly,
you no longer promise peace or health.
Four decades have passed
since the memorable day
when with his robberies
the superb Trojan
called his high homeland to ruins.
With good reason, Troy burned,
since impure Love,
which is a crime of fire,
must be purged with flames.
With good reason, Troy burned,
since impure love,
which is a crime of fire!